His quick page
Conceptronic c54c opened/abierta. This card has a connector inside. I'm sorry, but I've written this explaining how to open it just in spanish for now, if there is demand I can try to translate, but it would be better if a native speaker would open the card and then write it himself;-). The C54RC/C54Ri Wireless 54Mbps PC/PCI Card is an advanced IEEE 802.11b/g compatible, high performance, wireless card that supports data transfer speeds of up to 54 Mbps in 802.11g mode. Conceptronic c54c opened/abierta. This card has a connector inside. I'm sorry, but I've written this explaining how to open it just in spanish for now, if there is demand I can try to translate, but it would be better if a native speaker would open the card and then write it himself;-). The C54RC/C54Ri Wireless 54Mbps PC/PCI Card is an advanced IEEE 802.11b/g compatible, high performance, wireless card that supports data transfer speeds of up to 54 Mbps in 802.11g mode.
I won't post any other stuff here, I'm just blogging athttp://blog.manty.net/.
And here is a mirror of my N years old page http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/1486/.
So, here is the old stuff...
Atheros AR2425 (AR5007EG)
Pues nada, que ando aquí intentando hacer funcionar esa tarjeta WiFi(168c:001c), que es la que traen los portátiles que regala Banesto y quería comentar las alternativasque hay hoy por hoy para esta tarjeta.
Actualizando esto que había puesto hace tiempo ahí abajo... ahora mismoparece que el driver más estable y con mejor soporte es el nuevo hal que hansacado las gentes de OpenWrt y de dd-wrt aquíal menos mientras el ath5k no va mejorando.
Las opciones son... usar el driver de windows con el ndiswrapper, usar unaversión modificada de madwifi (esto solo si usamos Linux de 32 bits paraPC), o la mejor opción, no solo porque es la libre, sino porque es laque mejor funciona, al menos para Linux de 64 bits. Sobre esta última opcióncomentaré algo más adelante, pero antes quería dejaros el link al thread donde se comentan lassoluciones en la web de madwifi.
El driver ath5k es el que mejor me ha funcionado para mi Linux de 64bits, para ello he descargado elcompat-wireless-2.6 y he sobreescrito su driver ath5k utilizando el último driverde mickflemm y luego he compilado e instalado el compat wirelessutilizando sus instrucciones. El resultado: funciona a las mil maravillaspara redes sin encriptación, pero al menos el WPA2 no me ha funcionado. Enfin... esto está empezando, pero pinta bien :-)
La FNMT y el software libre...
¿Habeis intentado renovar vuestros certificados de la FNMT con unnavegador Firefox? Yo lo he hecho y no he sido capaz, la página me ha dadoun error, aquí tenéis los pantallazos de lo que me hapasado y la solución para conseguir renovar el certificado.
TM6000 Trident DVB experimental driver for Linux 2.6.25
There is people developping a driver for the Trident TM6000 based cards like my Woxter USB TV Total (USB ID: 14aa:0620), in the meantime they are offering an experimental driver from the v4lwiki pages, you can read the warnings before using it on the wiki where they made the experimental driver available. I've been using this driver for some time having quite a good experience with it, that's why I've been making the necesary changes for it to compile on newer versions of the kernels. Here is my latest tarball, made for 2.6.25.
Knoppix terminal server using SMB/CIFS instead of NFS
I have managed to get the Knoppix to boot out of the net and use a SMB/CIFSshare insted of NFS, thus you can have a machine without NFS to act as aKnoppix terminal server, even a Windows can do it ;-) I have set up a pageabout it here.
ACPI-SoftWake patch
I've been having trouble in getting WOL working ever since 2.4.14 pre days,till I found, in the Linux Kernel Mailing List, Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe'skernel-source-2.4.14.ACPI-SoftWake.patch. This had made my WOL work againand I was a happy ACPI+WOL user. That was untill 2.4.22 masive ACPI changes,as Mario's patch didn't work anymore.
Hey, don't be so sad, I have reworked Mario's patch so that it works again,here you have the patch for 2.4.25and for 2.6.5, hope it helps ;-)
Conceptronic c54c opened/abierta
This card has a connector inside. I'm sorry, but I've written this explaining how to open it just in spanish for now, ifthere is demand I can try to translate, but it would be better if a nativespeaker would open the card and then write it himself ;-)
Pues eso, que he abierto la tarjeta esta, que es de lo más barato quetenemos ahora y me he encontrado conque tiene un conector dentro, podeisver aquí las fotos y una explicación de como abrirla.Espero que la encontreis util. Por cierto, que nunca lo habia comentado poraquí, que la tarjeta está soportada por el madwifi, igual que su hermanapci, y que con ese driver pueden funcionar como APs.
Cheap Wireless at 54 Mbps under Linux? - ¿Wireless barato a 54 Mbps enLinux?
This one goes mainly in Spanish as the prices are for Spain, the importantinfo for the English readers is that the Conceptronic 54Mbps cards seem tocarry the atheros chip and thus could work with the madwifi drivers underLinux, and at least here they seem to be quite cheap.
Esto lo mandé a la lista de A Coruña Wireless hace ya un tiempo, pero creoque es bueno que esté por aquí también:
Pues nada, yo como culo inquieto que soy me pasé hoy por optize a ver quenovedades tenian en tarjetas wireless, y me quedé acojonado al ver quetenian las conceptronic de 54 megas por 34 y 38 euros más ivarespectivamente la pcmcia y la pci, me quedé tan flipado que quise saber quechip llevaban, por eso de si estarían soportadas en linux y tal, así que mebajé los drivers (el mismo para las dos por lo que vi) y se me dio porbuscar por N3AB, que es lo que aparecía en el .inf, nada, no apareció nada,pero haciendo un strings de los .sys encuentro esto:C:STA_24130src_leapobjstandisdriverar5211NDIS5_Win9x_Freear52119x.pdb
Y buscando por ar5211 resulta que es un chip de Atheros, para el cual existeel proyecto madwifipara drivers en Linux, que por lo que he oido soportamodo AP y todo (alguien tiene una atheros con madwifi?).
En fin, que igual son unas tarjetas interesantes para hacerse un AP :-)Alguien se anima?
Además entre otros strings en el driver aparece:
5GHz 54Mbps (802.11a)
5GHz 108Mbps (802.11a Turbo)
2.4GHz 11Mbps (802.11b)
2.4GHz 54Mbps (802.11g)
2.4GHz 108Mbps (802.11g Turbo)
Yo sigo sin saber de que va eso de los 100 Mbps, las USR también dicen ir a100Mbps, ¿ideas?
Linux is really really STABLE
Well, there is nothing new in me just saying this, but I have to explain whyI say this, I have jus finish some moficications on my DSL router and asmall program so that I can have my Linux server reset my router when ithangs. Yes, my server wich is at this moment a dual Pentium machine with twoP120 overclocked at 133Mhz micros that don't even have a fan on them andwich runs Debian GNU/Linux unstable distribution with some add-ons and akernel patched with not very well tested patches, is far more stable thanthe couple of routers I have tested here (3Com and Efficient Networks). Thisis a good thing for linux but really a bad thing to say about the routerguys. Anyway, I'm writing a little text on the mod Idid, and this is the program I wrote to controlthe router.
Linux en el Eumitcom WL11000SA-N
This is a howto in spanish on putting Linux on this machines, so...
Bueno, pues dejo por aquí el linux eumitcom como,un documento escrito por mi en castellano que explica como meter Linux en unAP basado en la placa Eumitcom WL11000SA-N, o sea, los USR 2450, SMC 2652W yAWS 100, mXquinillas realmente curiosas, espero que os sea de ayuda a losque tengais una mXquina de estas todavXa con el firmware original.
Sobre las charlas que di en las III Jornadas sobre Linux
Pues bien, ya he terminado con las charlitas, la verdad, dando las charlasuno se lo pasa bien, aunque prepararlas y los típicos problemas técnicos quesuele haber son una lata. En fin, yo salí contento y creo que la gentetambién, os dejo por aquí links a la documentación que usé en el taller de Debian y en la charla sobre wireless.
GPUL is organicing some conferences // GPUL organiza las III Jornadas sobre Linux
I'll be giving some talks at the event, one on Debian installation andanother one introducing wireless. The event is in spanish and the info isalso in spanish, so... Para más información pincha aquí y si quierespreinscribirte hazlo aquí
GPUL, our LUG, gets a new web page // Nueva página web del GPUL
I'll write this in spanish as GPUL stuff is mainly targetted for spanishpeople, sorry.
Pos eso, que los del GPUL (Grupo de Programadores y Usuarios de Linux) yatenemos nueva página web, podeis verla en gpul.org y aprovechando de que se trata de undrupalillo bien configurado y potito, pos he empezado a escribir chorradaspor allí en lo que por ahora es mi weblog.Larga vida a GPUL ;-)
WireLess - The future
Umm, so some of you may wonder what have I been up to (really? I don't thinkso). Anyway... I've been playing quite a lot with wireless stuff, it isreally nice. As a result you can see the WireLess network we are trying topromote in Betanzos, which is called BetaWireLessand a little prism firmware howto for downloading new firmware tothe ram on the prism2 cards. This is all in spanish, so a quick spanishnote...
Bueno, ya que todo esto está en español... aqui teneis en lo que ando liadoultimamente, las wireless, y fruto de tanto jugar con estas nuevastecnologías... hemos creado BetaWireLess, lared inalámbrica de Betanzos, y heescrito un chorras prism firmware como para actualizar elfirmware de las tarjetas prism2 sobre la ram.
DNS and BIND-The talk
Recently I gave a talk at the University, about DNS configuration with BIND8.2, I'm putting the slides here, In caseanybody may want to look at them, they are not too useful without meexplaining them, if this is anyhow useful. But they have a handfull ofconfigs wich may serve as examples. The slides are in spanish, but as nothere is nearly no comments, they will serve nearly the same for spanishguys as for the others ;-) I'll explain a bit more in spanish for thespanish guys...
Conceptronic Cctv
Bueno, esta fue la charla de cierre de las segundas jornadas sobre Linux deGPUL, como decía antes el tema era la configuración de un servidor de DNSusando BIND, aunque sin las explicaciones quizas sirvan de poco, pero comohay gente que las ha pedido, pues pongo las transparencias por aquí
Well, this is now in Debian itself, you can download it here.Anyway, they are the utils for setting up and managing the new bridge codein the 2.4.X kernels or in a properly patched 2.2.X kernel. Get the Package,source, ... from your nearest Debian mirror using the above link.
Home page for the new bridge code to get patches or the sources forbridge-utils is athttp://bridge.sourceforge.net
Debian's mbr
Well, I have added support to Debian's mbr for fixing a Y2K problem ofsome BIOS that only allow the motherboard to boot with years ranging fromXX94 to XX99, with this patch the machine boots again on any year, so it cannow welcome the new millenium :-)
As a result of this and my talks with Santiago Vila I'm the newmaintainer of the mbr package
At the end we are having a new upstream version (1.1.3) with my patchincluded, isn't it great? This version is already available on Woody and SidDebian distributions.
Smart Boot Manager
This is a really great great work by Suzhe, this mbr, for example, allowsyou to boot from ide atapi cds on motherboards that don't allow such athing, or even from pcmcia cds, ... it is totally configurable from it'smenu and has a lot of other good features, really this is the greatest mbr Ihave seen. You can find it on its home page http://www.gnuchina.org/~suzhe/and in freshmeat http://freshmeat.net/projects/btmgr/wich can be faster than gnuchina, at least from here.
I have also added to Suzhe's mbr the same Y2K fix for those broken BIOSesthat I have made for Debian's mbr, the fix is totally configurable onSuzhe's mbr from the menu. This fix is included on the new version of btmgr,version 3.7-1 available from any of the two home pages.
Debian includes a package called bmconf thatinstalls Suzhe's mbr, I have e-mailed Gergely Risko, its maintainer in casehe wants to include the patch on the bmconf binary version of Suzhe'smbr. Seems that bmconf is gonna become part of the btmgr, and Risko is gonnabe doing it, but when he has the time.
As this integration between bmconf and SBM seems to be dealying, Debian nowhas also a package of the original SBM, you can find it here.
This package is also on Debian'sdistribution. It does Automatic DNS updates for DHCP,uses bind 8's dynamic update features to update a zonefile with hostnamesfrom the dhcp leases file. This is done just once for each hostname, as theIP, MAC address and name are settled on the dhcp configuration so that, fromthen on, you have an static zone.
It is ideal if you are having enough IPs for everyone, and you have a lotof machines that you don't want to configure, coming at a meeting all at thesame time, this way you have them all with an static IP as soon as they getin the network.
It is based on Stephen Carville's dhcp-dns scripts and the patches thatCraig Sanders did when packaging it for Debian, but I have made a lot ofchanges on both the scripts (the functionality is totally diferent) and onthe package.
DDNS-The talk
Recently I gave a talk at the University, about DNS, DHCP and DDNS, I'mputting the slides here, but they are in spanish, so... I'll explain it inspanish also ;-)
Conceptronic 54g Wireless Pci Card
Bueno, esta fue la charla de cierre de las primeras jornadas sobre Linuxde GPUL, como decía antes va de DNS, DHCP y DDNS, aunque sin lasexplicaciones quizás sirvan de poco, pero como hay gente que las ha pedido,pues pongo las transparencias por aquí
This is the Linux Infrared Remote Control project package, I had made anITP of version 0.6.0 final, but first Tom Lees took it and now my friend rantyis looking after it. Long time ago I made a patch to add Avermedia support toit, which was adopted on upstream, but that'a all.
I have removed all the stuff from here, as It was all too old for beinghere, current version in Debian can be found here, ranty isnow maintaining it and is also actively developing with upstream.
BTW, lirc now has its own domain www.lirc.org where you can find it's oficialhome page.
Conceptronic C54c Driver
This is a tarball with my old config files and irmix, a program I did forchanging the volume of the sound card using the remote control, ... I havelost the sources for irmix, and I wanted to put some more stuff on it, so Iguess I'll have to start from scratch when I find the time some day :-)
I'm trying to get an Conceptronic C54C pcmcia card working with linux. This
card uses atheros chipsets:
Atheros AR5212 + AR2112
So, I got the madwifi stuff, compiled the modules, which went ok after some
fiddling around. But the system won't detect the card.
In /var/log/messsages:
Dec 1 22:29:18 linuxtop kernel: wlan: BETA (Sam Leffler
Dec 1 22:29:26 linuxtop kernel: ath_hal:
Dec 1 22:29:35 linuxtop kernel: ath_pci: BETA (Sam Leffler
Dec 1 22:29:35 linuxtop kernel: ath_pci: cache line size not set; forcing 8
Dec 1 22:29:35 linuxtop kernel: ath%%d: unable to attach hardware; HAL
status 13
Dec 1 22:29:35 linuxtop kernel: ath_pci: No devices found, driver not
lspci gives me this for the wlan card:
05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Unknown device 168c:0013 (rev 01)
I'm using RH 9 / 2.4.22 kernel. Other (non-wireless) PCMCIA cards work
fine, the wireless card works fine on windoze... (just checkin' :-))
Am I doing something wrong, or is this card just not gonna work with linux?