If you are using CentOS OS Older version 6.x release. This article will help you to upgrade CentOS to latest release 6.8. In this new release there are lots of security changes and updates are available.
CentOS - is a Linux distribution that attempts to provide a free, enterprise-class, community-supported computing platform which aims to be functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). I'm having a problem with installing CentOS 5 on ESXI 6.5 and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. The CentOS 5 OS actually installed, however after installation the network card was not installed. During the installation it asks me to modify the Network Configuration. The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproduceable platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS (abbreviated from Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution that attempts to provide a free, enterprise-class, community-supported computing platform which aims to be 100% binary compatible with its upstream. This server contains a mix of raw/unsigned packages and/or build logs It should be used mainly for testing purposes Please see this link for current versions of.
Currently I am suing CentOS 6.7, in this article I am going to upgrade this version. Follow the below steps to upgrade it.
Verify Current CentOS Release
Follow the below command to check the current release.
Upgrade CentOS to Its Latest Release
Follow the below steps to upgrade the CentOS. Before Upgrading the CentOS OS make sure you have taken backup of all your data to remote location.
Step #1: Backup all Important Data
I will suggest please take backup of below items.
- All databases backup such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, etc.
- All configuration file backup such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, DNS, etc.
- Backup of running websites root documents.
- Take backup of all other services if running on system.
Step #2: Upgrade CentOS
To upgrade the CentOS you can use the yum command on running system.
After successful completion of above command now reboot your system
Step #3: Verify CentOS Upgrade
Your system has been upgraded successfully. Run the below command to confirm it.
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I hope this article will help to upgrade your CentOS OS. If you have any queries and problem please comment in comment section.
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I wrote a new tutorial for CentOS 7, you can find it here:
1. Requirements
To install a CentOS server you will need the following:
Download the CentOS 6.5 DVD 1 from a mirror next to you.The list of mirrors can be found here:
For a basic installation you only need to download DVD 1 image filenamed CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso.
There are also images for a minimal installation, network installationand a Live CD/DVD version.
2. Preliminary Note
Before to start I just want to warn you that this is a practical guidewithout any warranty, it was written with the purpose to help systemadministrators, so I won't explain technical details neither the theorybehind of them.
For the purpose of this tutorial I created a Virtual Machine with VirtualBox,this means that your hardware it might differs significantly, includingthe hard disk drives and the network cards.
In this tutorial I will use the hostname server.example.comwith the IP address and the gateway, alsothese settings might differ for you, so you have to replace themwhere appropriate.
3. Install the Operating System
Boot from the first CentOS 6.5 DVD 1 and selectInstall or upgrade an existing system
I usually skip the installation media test, if it’s broken it’ll let me know anyway.
When the welcome screen of the CentOS installer appears, just click on Next
Choose your language.
Select your keyboard layout.
With this virtual machine I selected Basic Storage Devices, if you areusing SANs then select Specialized Storage Devices here.
Let's do a fresh installation.
Enter the hostname of the server, then click on the Configure Network button to assign a static IP address.
In the Wired tab, select the network interface and click on Edit.
Mark the Connect automatically checkbox.
In the IPv4 Settings tab select Manual in the Method drop-down menu.
Then click on the Add button next to the Addresses area to set astatic IP address.
Finally insert your DNS servers numbers separated by commas.
When you have finished with the network settings click on Apply, then Close and Next buttons.
Choose your time zone.
Enter a password for the root user.
Now it's time to do the hard drive partitioning.
As this is an empty virtual machine I choose Use All Space for simplicity, but this not a good option if you have some other operating system installed on it, in that case you might want to use Create Custom Layout.
I like to see how the hard drive is partitioned so I checked Review and modify partitioning layou.
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and this is how the installer partitioned the hard drive, as you can seeit creates an LVM volume.
When you're done with the partitioning click on Write changes to disk
Select where to install the boot loader.
Now you can choose a set of software to be installed.
Centos 6.5 Iso 64 Bits Descargar
In my case I selected Basic Server, actually CentOS and Red Hat's descriptionof software contained in each set is a little bit vague, here a couple of linksthat may help you to choose the best one for you:
In the previous screen I also checked Customize now so I could add support for the Spanish language.
The installation of software packages start and it will takes fewminutes.
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When the installation is complete, you can remove your DVD from the computer and reboot it.
After the reboot, log in to the server as root user.
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That's it! Now you have a basic CentOS 6.5 server installed.