Camelot 9a

  1. 9a Camelot Wheel
  2. Camelot Wr9 9ab
  3. Camelot 9a

Camelot Court Apartments is the place to go for high-end apartments in Buffalo. There are many units available featuring private balconies and air conditioning. When you need to get out of the apartment and into fresh air, visit one of the nearby parks. Camelot is a castle and court associated with the legendary King Arthur.Absent in the early Arthurian material, Camelot first appeared in 12th-century French romances and, since the Lancelot-Grail cycle, eventually came to be described as the fantastic capital of Arthur's realm and a symbol of the Arthurian world. The stories locate it somewhere in Great Britain and sometimes associate it.

Rekordbox™ (Ver 2.5) can now automatically detect the musical key of your tracks. This extra bit of info into the songs' details (along with BPM/Genre/etc) can come in very handy to create seamless and tasty mixes on the fly. There are two issues however
1) Some of the keys that Rekordbox™ provides you with you will not be find on the Camelot Wheel (Figure 1).
2) People without musical theory background find the number designation (e.g. 2B) much more convenient than its equivalent in musical notation (e.g. F-sharp Major). But Rekordbox™ only gives you the musical notation.
Figure 1- Camelot Wheel
Here is a bit of musical theory to help you figure out the discrepancies and a trick to help you organise your Rekordbox™ databases.
Look at the piano keyboard in Figure 2. The white keys are designated by the letters of the alphabet as shown. The pitch of the note the key makes increases from left to right (e.g. the pitch difference between the two C keys is an octave). The difference in the pitch between adjacent keys is called a semi-tone. If you have two adjacent white keys (e.g. E and F) then the step between the two white keys is called a semi-tone. If you have a black key between two white keys (e.g. between F and G) then going from one of those white keys to the black key between them is also a semi-tone. Now the tricky bit is what to call this black key. It is ambiguous because it is a semi-tone higher than F and a semi-tone lower than G. Going up in frequency is represented by a suffix '#' (called 'sharp') while going down in frequency is represented by the suffix 'b' (called 'flat') in musical notation. Therefore, the black key between F and G can be called either F# (i.e. F-sharp) or Gb (i.e. G-flat). Similarly,
The black key between C and D can be called C# (i.e. C-sharp) or Db (i.e. D-flat)
Camelot 9aThe black key between D and E can be called D# (i.e. D-sharp) or Eb (i.e. E-flat)Camelot 9a
The black key between G and A can be called G# (i.e. G-sharp) or Ab (i.e. A-flat)
The black key between A and B can be called A# (i.e. A-sharp) or Bb (i.e. B-flat)Camelot 9a
Figure 2- Piano Keyboard
So next time when Rekordbox™ gives you a key that you cannot find on the Camelot Wheel you'll know how to convert the output of Rekordbox™ to the corresponding Camelot Wheel entry.

9a Camelot Wheel

By the way the 'm' and 'M' in Rekordbox™ output stand for 'minor' and 'Major' respectively on the Camelot Wheel. For example 'Gm' in Rekordbox™ means 'G Minor' (i.e. 6A) on the Camelot Wheel.
And here is how to change your Rekordbox™ key detection entries from musical notation (e.g. Em) to the numerical equivalent used in the Camelot Wheel (i.e. 9A).
- Detect the keys of all your tracks by Rekordbox™
- Click on the header 'Key' to sort your tracks by their detected keys
- Use Shift-Click to highlight all the songs of the same key (e.g. highlight all tracks with Em)
- Click the little arrowhead on the 'Info' tab on the left to open all the information corresponding to the selected tracks
- In the 'Key' field change 'Em' to 9A

Camelot Wr9 9ab

Repeat the same procedure for all the other keys and you will have the Camelot Wheel entries in your Rekordbox™ database in no time at all.
Written by Swim the Shine

Camelot 9a

Piel Con PielLa Santa GrifaE Minor49A115
Con Cuantos Voy a ContarGera MX, Faruz Feet, GeassassinE Minor69A168
Quiero Volverte a AmarC-KanE Minor49A120
Carita De SantaNeto Peña, Robot95E Minor69A110
Sangre de BarrioUnder Side 821E Minor79A140
Vengo De NadaOvi, Natanael Cano, Aleman, Big SotoE Minor79A105
Al DespertarFaruz Feet, Ghosk IsaisE Minor79A174
Nunca Te Pude AlcanzarGera MXE Minor69A75
Gallo de PeleaNeto Peña, Santa Fe Klan, AkwidE Minor79A80
Esta VidaRobot95, Gera MXE Minor59A80
Algo BienGolden Ganga, Charles Ans, A.C.O, Rafael LechowskiE Minor59A85
Nadie Te Podrá OlvidarGera MX, Santa Fe KlanE Minor69A87
She So FineAdan Cruz, Synesthetic Nation, MC DhartaE Minor69A96
Pimp on (feat. Aleman, Jarabe Kidd, Robot, Poofer & iQlover)West Gold, Aleman, Jarabe kidd, Robot95, Poofer, iQloverE Minor89A103
Mi Tío SnoopAleman, Snoop DoggE Minor89A106
Te Ire A BuscarSanta Fe Klan, Nanpa BásicoE Minor69A90
Písalo, Úsalo, RómpeloCharles Ans, Slim AnsE Minor79A124
MezcalGo Golden JunkE Minor59A140
Seasson 1: Opium G, Cap.1 (Jayrick Session)Rich Vagos, Opium G, JayrickE Minor49A83
Me HundoA.C.O, Charles AnsG Major69B83
Día / NocheRich Vagos, Samantha Barrón, Yoss BonesG Major49B125
ArreSimpson AhuevoG Major89B140
Un Verano En MallorcaRels BG Major69B98
Tantas VecesAleman, Yung Sarria, FntxyG Major79B81
Dolores - RemixChoclock, Cazzu, Rels BG Major49B170
Un Vato Como YoRich Vagos, Gera MX, Charles Ans, Jay RomeroG Major69B93
HomeRunMC Davo, FlyboizG Major99B180
PerdónTREN LOKOTE, Bear BusbyG Major69B170
Dios, el Diablo y YoIluminatikG Major89B92
Mi VicioSanta Fe KlanG Major79B80
Model FuckerGo Golden Junk, AkapellahG Major39B170
ShelbyGera MX, JayrickG Major79B86